Webinar: Tapping the Stimulus Package and Other Business Assistance Programs



In response to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government approved a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus package. Hemp operators and ancillary businesses who have been impacted have the opportunity to receive assistance through this program, amongst many other resources. But where do you start?


Jonathan Miller, general counsel of the U.S. Hemp Round Table, and Phillip McCready, co-founder of Colorado Hemp Industries Collaborative examine:


  • Federal aid and other options currently available to hemp operators
  • Who is eligible
  • How you can apply

Still looking for hemp & CBD facts?

Introducing the 2nd Annual Hemp & CBD Industry Factbook – the most comprehensive and reliable data resource for the hemp and CBD industry available today and the only report to deliver a complete, end-to-end look at the cannabis supply chain.

Whether you’re a cultivator, extractor, investor, entrepreneur, manufacturer or retailer, the national legalization of hemp and CBD has opened-up a world of opportunities – each with their own questions: “What is the impact of mass market retailers entering the market? How are businesses navigating regulatory gray areas? What are the obstacles and opportunities across the hemp & CBD supply chain?”

When even federal agencies can’t provide reliable tracking data, this exclusively business-focused Factbook offers analysis and better understanding of the current and future challenges needed to make the most accurate and informed business decisions.

Get your copy today