Business Books from the Editors of Hemp Industry Daily
Between the learning curve to grow a new crop in a variety of environments and shifting government regulations and requirements, hemp growers in the United States endure myriad challenges to their day-to-day operations. So the need for predictable and reliable genetics is critically important.
The Hemp Industry Daily Hemp Variety Yearbook provides a guide to varieties for hemp producers, breeders, brokers and researchers looking for peace of mind and reliable genetic/seed partners.
The 2nd edition of this report provides details on:
- 75 hemp varieties from 28 companies
- Varietal analysis for reliable, consistent results, including cannabinoid and terpene profiles
- Changes to sourcing and testing requirements from the new USDA final rule
- How to select the best varieties and evaluate which live inputs are ideal for growers’ needs
USDA Final Hemp Rule: A Handbook for Hemp & CBD Businesses
Quick reference guide for final USDA hemp rules for cultivators
The U.S. Department of Agriculture released its final rule for hemp cultivation in the United States – more than two years after the 2018 Farm Bill legalized the crop. The rule will take effect on March 22.
The experts and editors at Hemp Industry Daily, created this special report to give you the tools to understand the new rule and its implication for the industry.
This guidebook details the changes from the interim rule and what the U.S. government learned about hemp production after two legal growing seasons.
Inside you’ll find:
- Hemp acreage projections through 2025.
- How much hemp is being grown for flower, fiber and grain – with projections for production through 2025.
- Why the USDA is loosening sampling requirements to save farmers money.
- New predictions on how much hemp violates THC limits.
- Details on the first-ever plan to allow farmers to sell hemp that fails THC inspections.
- Which hemp rules aren’t changing anytime soon.
In Partnership with:
The Hemp & CBD Industry Factbook 2021 Edition
Exclusive U.S. Hemp & CBD Business & Finance Data
The most robust and trusted guidance on the financial, operational and retail trends you need as you plan your business, sales and investing strategies.
- 113 pages
- New: state-by-state guide that includes licensing and competitive landscape details for the hemp industry
- New: expanded retail trend data from global consumer data leader, The Nielsen Company
- 51 exclusive charts
- Cultivator, product, retail & investor financial information
- Benchmarks and wholesale prices
- CBD retail sales forecasts
- Number of growers for CBD vs. other novel cannabinoids
Best Practices for Developing a Reliable Supply Chain for Hemp Businesses
The nascent U.S. hemp industry has not yet developed a mature, standard operating supply chain from seed to sale. Because there has been high value placed on hemp as a new commodity and its derived products, it is necessary for industry members to develop consistent processes for handling the production flow of goods and services.
In collaboration with our partner, Hemp Industries Association, we’d like to introduce our new special report on the hemp industry and its supply chain challenges, and how they can be overcome. The report explains what happens in each link of the supply network, the different needs of each component, and how each segment affects the previous and next link in the chain.
Farmers, processors, manufacturers, retailers, and hemp executives will use this guide to understand the current issues affecting the hemp chain and the changes the industry needs to see to improve the flow of product from field to consumer.
This report also includes information on developing a reliable hemp supply chain in each of these segments:
- Input providers (seeds, growing media, equipment providers to the farmer)
- Farmers
- Testing/grading/physical service providers
- Processors
- Transportation/distribution
- Drying/Storage
- Manufacturing
- Packaging
- Retail
- Consumer
How to Navigate the Complicated World of CBD in Retail
The Nielsen Company is predicting that the market for hemp-derived CBD products will near $7 billion by 2025.
This 400% growth across food, candies and beverages is set to be driven by over-the-counter supplements which will make up the largest product category ($1.5 billion in annual sales), with pain relief and anxiety being the largest therapeutic drivers for purchase.
Hemp Industry Daily in partnership with The Nielsen Company, have created this new comprehensive retail guide for CBD retailers, category managers, wholesale distributors, buyers, and product manufacturers.
The report includes:
- The current size of the CBD retail market and future projections
- Potential market value for grocery stores
- Regional CBD product preferences
- Consumer demographic trends purchasing CBD products
- CBD product and packaging retail trends
- Branding and competition for shelf space
- Major market players and why they are investing in the CBD space
- New ways to grow the market
Sector Snapshot: Insights on the Growing Market for CBD Pet Products
Americans love their pets and spare no expense to keep their fur babies happy and healthy. According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), U.S. pet owners spent a record-breaking $72.6 billion on their pets in 2018, an increase of more than $3 billion from 2017.
The market for pet CBD is also booming, jumping from niche retailers to mass-market giants like Petco and PetSmart. The pet CBD market went from almost zero in 2016 to $7.4 million last year, according to market analytics giant, The Nielsen Company.
If you’re looking to learn more about the CBD market for pet products, the experts at Hemp Industry Daily, in partnership with The Nielsen Company, have created this report for you.
Specifically intended for CBD companies making pet products, CBD retailers, distributors, buyers and producers; this new report featuring Nielsen’s exclusive consumer data provides insights on the current value and landscape of the CBD for pets retail market, including:
- The current market value of the CBD pet products market
- Consumer demographics and spending
- Comparative consumer spending in different types of CBD pet products and retail
- CBD retail trends for pet products
- Major market players and why they are investing in the pet space
- Current regulatory issues
- Challenges and opportunities for further market growth
Sector Snapshot: Opportunities & Challenges in Smokable Hemp
Smokable hemp is a complicated and controversial segment in the United States. Hemp Industry Daily has partnered with The Nielsen Company, a key retail and consumer research firm, on this exclusive report to help you navigate this sector’s twists and turns.
This report will serve as a business-focused guidebook for executives, entrepreneurs, investors and other professionals participating in or looking to enter the lucrative smokable hemp market. This special report will especially be of interest to retailers and distributors within the retail market.
Business operators and entrepreneurs will get data on the smokable hemp market as well as insights on:
- The current market value for smokable hemp
- Consumer spending on smokable hemp products
- Comparative consumer spending on smokable tobacco
- Potential market value for smokable hemp/inhalables
- Regulatory issues and current states that are banning smokable hemp
Download this report now to gain actionable business information, avoid compliance issues and start making informed decisions for your business and investments in the hemp and CBD industries.
In collaboration with our partner, Hemp Industries Association, we’d like to introduce our latest special report on the 2020 hemp harvest outlook, entailing an in-depth look at industry trends in hemp and CBD markets.
An incredibly helpful guide full of proprietary research and analysis, this report will be of particular use to entrepreneurs, investors and other strategic decision makers already operating in the hemp and CBD industry and looking for further critical analysis to expand their knowledge.
With an emphasis on financial and operational data by sector as well as state by state analysis, this report includes:
- The current economic, agricultural and regulatory developments impacting modern hemp and CBD markets in the top 10 key U.S. markets.
- Critical analysis based on 2020 data collected from state departments of agriculture by Hemp Industry Daily in the following states, listed in order of largest acreage size; Colorado, Arizona, California, Kentucky, New York, Oregon, Illinois, North Carolina, Florida and Michigan.
- A national map of states with active hemp cultivation, and actionable analysis from industry data reports.
Hemp Cultivation in Europe: Key Market Details and Opportunities
Brought to you by the renowned experts at Hemp Industry Daily, Hemp Cultivation in Europe: Key Market Details and Opportunities is our latest and most comprehensive special report to date on industrial hemp in Europe.
This special report is for U.S. hemp professionals interested in importing or exporting biomass or hemp-derived goods to or from Europe, in addition to policy makers or European farmers seeking an overview of the state of the crop in the region.
This in-depth report will provide readers with an overview of industrial hemp cultivation and use across Europe, including a mini-profile of the top ten hemp cultivators by hectares (pending 2019 data), in addition to relative insights on:
- The EU Regulatory framework and novel food authorization
- European market estimates for food, fiber, seed, and CBD
- The current legal status and upcoming legislation
- Cultivation data: hectares, use, and seed strains
- Best import/export practices
- The future of European hemp
NEW! Annual Hemp & CBD Industry Factbook
The 2019 Annual Hemp & CBD Industry Factbook offers:
- 30+ charts exploring and analyzing the hemp & CBD market from critical angles including retail forecasts, consumer demand, production and more
- 10 profiles of top hemp-producing states, with highlights of market conditions and retail trends
- Regulatory outlook, best practices, and future considerations for cultivators and processors seeking to meet consumer demand
- Benchmarks and wholesale prices, plus prices for hemp seeds and clone varietals
- Pain points for growers and processors with a focus on input costs and per acre profits
The 2019 Annual Hemp & CBD Industry Factbook provides answers with insights from exclusive industry surveys and analysis of data from across the marketplace. Brought to you by the editors and researchers at Hemp Industry Daily, this resource is exclusively business focused and offers understanding of the current and future challenges needed to make the most accurate and informed business decisions.