Not What But How: Agronomy vs Horticulture for Hemp Producers
Hemp farmers today come from many different backgrounds and with hemp being a complex plant that can be grown and harvested for a vast number of consumer products, there are different cultivation practices that can be taken. The question for farmers to consider is – agronomy vs. horticulture? Which practice suits your operations and ultimately your harvesting goals?
In this free webinar, Andrew Bish of Bish Enterprises and Hemp Harvest Works will discuss the following:
- Agronomy vs. Horticulture: What is the difference? How does each practice relate to hemp?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of using one method vs. the other
- From a bottom line and sustainability perspective, which approach is most beneficial to your operations and harvest goals.
Speaker: Andrew Bish – COO, Bish Enterprises / CEO, Hemp Harvest Works
Andrew is the founder and COO of Bish Enterprises, a harvesting equipment company based in Nebraska. Andrew’s focus it to provide equipment that helps to standardize hemp farming practices while allowing growers to increase their scale operations while decreasing costs. He is on the board of the 21st Century Agricultural Opportunities Coalition, the Colorado Hemp Industries Association Work Group, the U.S. Hemp Authority Technical Committee and the Steering Committee of the U.S. Hemp Grower’s Conference & Expo.