GW Pharma denies supply issues with cannabis-based drug Epidiolex after stock falls

GW Pharmaceuticals, the British maker of epileptic seizure-control medication Epidiolex, said it was not aware of any supply issues related to the cannabis-derived drug after a tweet from a patient’s father complained he could not source the medicine.

GW’s stock was down more than 3% on Wednesday on the Nasdaq after the tweet from San Francisco Bay Area journalist Ryan Flinn, who complained that his daughter had suffered four seizures since local pharmacies and her doctor had been unable to refill the prescription.

The stock declined further early Thursday before trimming some of the losses mid-morning.

Company spokesman Steve Schultz said there were no supply issues relating to Epidiolex but did admit to some issues with insurance companies, according to a report Wednesday by New Cannabis Ventures.

Flinn tweeted Thursday that his daughter’s Epidiolex had arrived “after 19 calls + 338 min on phone. Still not clear on hold up.”

United Kingdom-based GW trades on the Nasdaq under the ticker GWPH.