Wisconsin hempseed seller sues Canadian producer over distribution dispute

A Wisconsin hempseed seller is in a contract dispute with a Canadian seed producer over where and for how long it can sell a grain cultivar.

Legacy Hemp of Hastings, Minnesota, says that Terramax Holdings Corp. is trying to renege on the length of time Legacy Hemp has the rights to sell the seeds in the U.S.

The lawsuit alleges that Terramax Holdings, based in Regina, Saskatchewan, sold distribution rights on a cultivar called X-59 Hemp Nut — a seed described in the lawsuit as stable and well-tested, with low THC and large seeds.

The 2016 agreement to sell the seeds in the U.S. gave Legacy Hemp exclusive rights to sell X-59 in seven states: Kentucky, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Indiana.

But Legacy Hemp says the agreement doesn’t forbid it from selling the seeds in other states, too, just not exclusively. Terramax disagrees.

Legacy Hemp also says its agreement should last through 2023. The company is seeking unspecified damages.

Terramax has 20 days to respond to the complaint in Wisconsin.