Sales of hemp-derived CBD beauty and cosmetics products could almost double in 2021 to $600 million, according to analytics firm NielsenIQ.
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CBD brands uniquely poised to grow female-focused categories
Women make up almost two-thirds of U.S. CBD users, according to a gender study from analytics firm NielsenIQ. And with nearly 1 in 3 women saying they are likely to consume a CBD product in the next 12 months, cannabis brands are uniquely poised to grow female-focused categories like cosmetics and lotions in the coming […]
Read MoreMajor grocers dedicating more ad space to hemp food products in 2021
Hemp food products are appearing more often in major supermarket advertisements in 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The number of ads featuring hemp protein, oil and shelled seeds has grown fivefold since this time last year. In April 2020, the USDA began tracking the advertised retail price of select hemp-grain products published […]
Read MoreCBD beverage sales a struggle for major US retailers
Sales of CBD-infused beverages in major U.S. retail chains struggled in the past year, according to new data from analytics firm NielsenIQ. Hemp-derived CBD beverage sales in 30,000 stores across major chains in grocery, drug and select convenience stores tracked by Nielsen were down 32% for the year ending March 27 compared to the same […]
Read MoreGenetic editing offers hemp and marijuana companies a way to improve plant strains
The development of new genetic-editing technology offers cannabis companies a cost-effective way to make specific changes to marijuana and hemp plants – such as more disease resistance – without creating a genetically modified organism.
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